Art Book『あの海に見える岩に、弓を射よ / Aim an Arrow at the Rock in the Ocean』
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*Lensculture "Favorite Photobooks 2023"に選出
*Japan Photo Award/ Elisa Medde(元Foam Magazine編集長)賞 受賞
*Tokyo Frontline Award/ 川島崇志賞 受賞
印刷製本:株式会社 八紘美術
判型:182 × 257 x 10mm、ハードカバー(表紙は3種類)
We produced "Aim an Arrow at the Rock in the Ocean," a collection of works by artist/photographer Taro Karibe, as the first original project of Troublemakers.
In this work, Taro, who explores the creativity of AI and humans and technology’s act of seeing things, made machine eyes see illusions. He took pictures of a glitch-generated screen on an LCD TV with a digital camera and loaded the images into an AI-equipped landscape photo recognition system; then, the AI made up nonsense landscape pictures based on its machine-learned memory. By using the AI's bias in this way, Taro drew out "how the machine intelligence wants to see the world." The images are strangely beautiful and let us experience the psychedelic and illusionary visual world of AI.
In addition, this book includes texts on "how AI interprets these images" by loading each image into a multimodal AI that explains images by text. The output is also interesting; you would be impressed by the AI's deep analysis and surprised by how unexpected the AI's ways of seeing are. Through AI's interpretations, the book tells us that there is no one right way to look at the world and that the world is made up of chains of misinterpretations.
The book includes an essay by the artist, 'Misreadings Link the Constellations', in the afterword.
*You will receive one of three different covers. Please write either A, B or C. If you don't specify, we will send it randomly.
*Please let us know if you would like the book autographed by the artist.
Image/Text: Taro Karibe
Designer: Manami Inoue
Publisher: Troublemakers Publishing
Printing Directer: Keita Otsuka/ Hakkou Bijyutsu
Language: JP and ENG
Published date: 22nd of Seo, 2023
Printed in Japan
Page: 128p
Size: 182 × 257 x 10mm
First Edition Size: 500 copies
Price: 8,800JPY
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